Thursday 3 November 2011

Target Audience

Whilst preparing and gathering our ideas for our childrens film project we decided on our imovie production to be aimed at 3-8 year olds, making the short film a (U). Seeing as the mini story is about a unicorn called charlie who travels around the world to find his partner, we gathered this would be good for young children to view. Also seeing as there's very little writing and when there is, it's very simple and able for young children to understand. All our backgrounds are very simple and colourful, making it easier for the child to make out the story in their own minds, Charlie the unicorn and his owner are also drawn and coloured, therefore simple but exciting for children. The imovie producion we created is aimed at female children as usually a boy wouldn't find the whole idea of a unicorn very appealing. The production wouldn't appeal to adults as it's very child-like and a cartoon idea but drawn. It contains no adult humour, or anything that's beyond the (U) guidance, making it more suitable for the young children to view. We'd like to think it's aimed at female children but there would be the odd boy that'd watch it, it's got quite an upbeat exciting soundtrack to it, making it interesting for them, which we created ourselves, meaning there isn't a song that contains explicit content or anything not suitable.

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