Monday 17 October 2011


In our BBFC lesson we learnt what the differences were between U and PG films. We learnt from the bbfc website what is allowed in both cetificates of film. In U's no violece, drug scenes, bad language, horror, adult humour etc is allowed. Whereas in PG's (parental guidance) mild violence, thriller is allowed, within reason. However,still no swear words, sex/drug scenes are allowed, all forbidden.
(in lesson)
Harry potter - PG; contained some 'scary' scenes, mild violence.
up - U; contained no discrimination/drugs/horror/bad language/nudity/violence/sex
Watership down - U; classed as a U because it doesnt technically contain any of the above (in up) but has a creepy tone to the movie.
Home alone - PG; mild violence,bad language
madagascga - PG; slapstick humour, mild discrimination.

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