Monday 31 October 2011

Individual imput

Everyone contributed equally in the filming and planning process, Maddie wanted to use a unicorn for definite and it was me that put that into context. It was my idea to have the unicorn travel around the world to find its owner simple and suitable for children. I strongly wanted to use I-stop-motion to make the film as I thought that was what would look best and work best for our idea so that is what we ended up doing. During the filming process I was responsible for all of the backgrounds; I took some home and draw/painted on them to make them look the best they could as well as moving the objects whilst shooting. It was my idea to have Charlie (the unicorn) to be galloping and have the background slowly move across the screen as he gallops so it looks like he gallops from one onto the other so it flows rather than cutting from background to background. It was also my idea to have little features of each background moving to make it more interesting to watch and more than just two objects moving to make it more complex.

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